Malki Dental

How to Clean Your Invisalign Aligners

Feb 27, 2020 @ 09:00 AM — by Stephen Malki
Tagged with: Invisalign

Using and maintaining your Invisalign aligners is straightforward and simple. Dr. Stephen Malki or a member of our dental team will explain how to maintain and clean your Invisalign® aligners during one of your appointments at our dental practice.

Cleaning the aligners on a daily basis allows the clear trays to remain discreet. One of the main benefits of Invisalign treatment is that few people, if any, are able to tell that you are wearing the trays. Our office serves River Edge, NJ, and Paramus, NJ.

Tips for Cleaning Your Aligner Trays

There are multiple benefits to cleaning your aligner trays. The advanced SmartTrack material that Invisalign uses is strong and clear. Invisalign treatments are a discreet alternative to metal braces. When the trays are properly cleaned, they are invisible. Cleaning the trays also prevents the buildup of food particles and plaque that can lead to tooth decay.

Enjoying the cosmetic and oral health benefits of clean and clear trays is easy. When using Invisalign aligners, simply incorporate cleaning the trays into your everyday oral hygiene routines. When brushing your teeth:

  1. Rinse your trays in lukewarm water to remove any buildup
  2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or electric toothbrush to gently clean every surface of the trays
  3. Once completed, carefully observe the trays for signs of any remaining buildup
  4. Use your toothbrush to clean any remaining pockets of tartar or plaque
  5. Rinse the aligner trays and place them back on your teeth

Rinse or Brush after Eating or Drinking

Special care should be taken to never place your trays if your teeth are not clean. One way to prevent excessive buildup inside your trays is to rinse your mouth with water after eating. If possible, brushing your teeth after meals is the best way to prevent food particles and plaque from building up along the inner walls of your clear braces.

Use a Toothbrush to Clean Your Trays

Use a toothbrush as your main Invisalign cleaning tool. However, keep in mind that using toothpaste to clean your trays can create a white film on the trays. If you do use toothpaste, make sure that you thoroughly rinse off the product when you are done.

Soak Your Trays

If your trays become difficult to clean using a toothbrush, they can be soaked in a retainer or denture cleansing liquid. Soaking aligner trays in mouthwash is generally not advisable. Most mouthwash products contain dyes and coloring agents that can discolor aligner trays.

Don’t Expose Your Trays to Hot Water

Care should also be taken to never expose aligner trays to very hot water, which can distort and damage the trays. if the aligners become ill-fitting due to damage, replacements can be costly. This is one reason why we advise all of our patients to use caution when cleaning and maintaining their clear trays.

Schedule Your Invisalign Treatment Today

Maintaining good oral hygiene habits and cleaning your Invisalign trays on a daily basis allows the trays to remain hygienic and cosmetically pleasing. A cloudy or discolored aligner tray is unattractive, and it can increase your risk of developing tooth decay.

Following the tips in this blog post can ensure that your treatment progresses on time and without complications. To schedule your Invisalign consultation, please contact our office online or call (201) 503-3474.