Malki Dental

Can a Custom Mouth Guard Relieve Symptoms of TMJ Disorder?

Jan 15, 2019 @ 04:13 PM — by Stephen Malki
Tagged with: Tmj

Many Americans suffer from TMJ disorder, a condition that affects the temporomandibular joint. TMJ disorder can cause uncomfortable symptoms, including lockjaw, headaches, earaches, and facial pain. Because the symptoms of TMJ disorder are so varied, it can be difficult to determine the cause of the discomfort.

Dr. Stephen J. Malki is a dentist with extensive experience diagnosing and treating TMJ disorder. He can determine the most likely cause of TMJ disorder, as well as how to best treat the condition.

One non-surgical method that tends to be extremely effective in relieving symptoms of TMJ disorder is the use of a custom mouth guard. A custom mouth guard can hold the jaw in proper alignment, protect the teeth, and encourage the muscles and joints of the jaw to remain in a relaxed position. In short, custom mouth guards for TMJ disorder relieve our New Jersey patients of their painful TMJ symptoms.

What Type of Mouth Guard Do I Need?

There are generally two types of custom mouth guards that may be used for the treatment of TMJ disorder. The first is a stabilization mouth guard, or a stabilization splint. These mouth guards keep the jaw and facial muscles stabilized and relaxed. In other words, these mouth guards help to prevent grinding and clenching, which are two common causes of TMJ disorder.

The second type of mouth guard that may be used in the treatment of TMJ disorder is a repositioning splint. A repositioning splint addresses minor alignment problems with the jaw, such as an upper jaw that sits too far forward or a lower jaw that sits too far back. These mouth guards force the jaw to sit in the proper position, which alleviates the stress and strain that occurs when the jaw is out of place.

How Often Is a Mouth Guard Worn?

In most cases, patients will only need to wear their custom mouth guard at night, while they sleep. With regular use, a nightly mouth guard is often effective at repositioning the jaw and retraining jaw muscles so that patients can get relief from the symptoms of TMJ disorder.

However, there are some cases in which a patient may need to wear a mouth guard during the day. Most often, if a mouth guard has to be worn during the day, it will only be on a temporary basis.

Are Custom Mouth Guards Comfortable?

Custom mouth guards are made to the exact specifications of each patient, so they are more comfortable than over-the-counter mouth guards. The custom mouth guards offered by Dr. Malki are fabricated using molds and digital images, so they fit extremely close to the teeth and should not shift or slip out of place.

It will likely take a short period of time for patients to adjust to wearing the custom mouth guard, but once they have, they will hardly notice when it is in place.

Contact Us

If you are suffering from the symptoms of TMJ disorder, a custom mouth guard may restore oral comfort. To learn more about these custom appliances, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can call (201) 646-0800 to set up a personal consultation with Dr. Stephen J. Malki.