Malki Dental

Foods and Drinks to Avoid with Dental Crowns

Dec 5, 2018 @ 03:41 PM — by Stephen Malki
Tagged with: Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are strong, durable restorations that are used in a number of dental situations. Dental crowns can enhance the size, shape, and color of the teeth. They can also restore the strength and function of a tooth that has been damaged by injury or decay.

Although Dr. Stephen J. Malki offers his patients dental crowns that are composed of the strongest and highest quality materials, patients still need to be sure they are caring for their restorations properly.

All dental crown patients should brush and floss regularly, and continue to schedule routine dental exams and cleanings. In addition, there are several foods and drinks to avoid with dental crowns. Read on or contact our New Jersey practice to learn how you can prolong the lifespan of your restorations.

Chewy, Sticky Foods

Dental crowns are bonded to the teeth with a dental compound that essentially cements the crown in place. This compound creates a strong seal that should hold up for many years.

However, it is still important to avoid chewy, sticky foods that may pull on a dental crown. If a patient regularly eats chewy foods, the dental crown could eventually lift out of place. Some of the sticky foods that should be avoided include gum, caramel, chewy candies (taffy), and raisins.

Hard Foods

Hard foods pose a threat to dental crowns because they can cause structural damage. Hard foods could either wear a dental crown down over time, or cause it to suddenly chip or fracture.

If a patient does choose to eat hard foods, he or she should chew on the side of the mouth that does not have a dental crown present. Otherwise, particularly hard foods like crispy bacon, nuts, and popcorn should be avoided. Patients with dental crowns should also refrain from chewing on ice.

Sugary Foods

Those with dental crowns should avoid consuming foods or beverages that are especially high in sugars. Even though a dental crown cannot decay the way a natural tooth would, sugars could get affect the health of the gums and surrounding teeth.

Bacteria thrive on sugar and will buildup wherever sugar is left behind. Bacteria can reach the tooth underneath the crown, or get into the gum line and cause an infection.

In either case, if dental complications develop, dental crowns need to be removed to correct the problem.

Dark-colored Foods and Beverages

A dental crown is meant to restore the strength, function, and beauty of the treated tooth, so the last thing most patients would want is for their dental crown to become discolored.

Although the materials used to fabricate dental crowns are resistant to stains, they can become discolored with enough exposure. To keep a crown looking clean and white, patients should avoid wine, coffee, cola, and other dark-colored foods and beverages.

Contact Us

With proper care, dental crowns can provide many years of strength and protection. If you’d like to learn more about these dental restorations, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can set up an appointment with Dr. Stephen J. Malki by calling (201) 646-0800.