Malki Dental

Root Canal Therapy for a Toothache

Oct 31, 2018 @ 03:16 PM — by Stephen Malki
Tagged with: Root Canal Therapy

A toothache can develop for any number of reasons. But when bacteria reach the pulp of a tooth, there are really only two treatment options: root canal therapy or extraction.

In many cases, performing root canal therapy for a toothache can alleviate pain and eliminate infection, preventing even more serious issues from occurring in the future.

Here, our team at Malki Dental in River Edge, NJ explores the causes and symptoms of a toothache and discusses how root canal therapy can address the problem.

What Causes a Toothache?

Dental pain can be mild or severe, acute or chronic. There are many reasons why a toothache may occur, including:

Common Symptoms of an Infected Tooth

The symptoms of an infected tooth can vary. They may include:

In some cases, patients may not experience any symptoms. That is why it is so important to see your dentist regularly. During routine examinations, he or she can monitor your oral health and detect any problems early on.

How Root Canal Therapy Alleviates Pain

During root canal therapy, the pulp of the tooth is removed. This includes nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. Therefore, the root cause of the infection is completely eliminated.

While you may feel slight soreness in the gums following root canal therapy, you should also feel relief, especially if the infection was causing significant pain before treatment.

Common Myths about Root Canal Therapy

Unfortunately, there are a few misconceptions regarding root canal therapy. In the sections below, we will explore some of these myths.

Myth #1: Root Canal Therapy Hurts

For some reason, some individuals assume that root canal therapy is painful. However, the source of pain is actually removed during the procedure.

Myth #2: My Tooth Will No Longer Have Feeling

True, the nerves inside the tooth are removed during root canal therapy. However, your tooth will still be sensitive to heat and cold. The gum tissue around the tooth may also feel tender following your treatment, though this side effect should diminish in a few days.

Myth #3: Root Canal Therapy Is Pointless Since I Will Just Have to Extract the Tooth Later

There is a common misconception that root canal-treated teeth will need to be removed at some point. However, the primary goal of the treatment is to save the tooth from extraction. In fact, root canal therapy has an impressive success rate of over 95 percent.

Myth #4: After Root Canal Therapy, I Will Not Have to See the Dentist for a Year or More

While root canal therapy can save your tooth and prevent infection from spreading, it is still important to attend regular cleanings and examinations at your dentist’s office. These preventative treatments can help you avoid oral health problems and enjoy healthy teeth and gums.

Contact Malki Dental Today

If you are experiencing a toothache, contact our office right away. During a consultation at our practice, Dr. Malki can determine if root canal therapy is necessary for you. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, contact us online or call our office at (201) 646-0800.