Malki Dental

Dental Implant Restorations: What Are My Options?

Nov 27, 2017 @ 12:35 PM — by Stephen Malki
Tagged with: Missing Teeth Dental Implants Restorative Dentistry

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically embedded into the jawbone and gum tissue. After a period of several months, a process known as osseointegration occurs. This is when the dental implants fuse with the structures of the mouth. Once this has happened, the dental implants will function just like natural tooth roots and be able to support various kinds of implants or restorations.

At our River Edge practice, there are three kinds implant restorations to consider:

Let's go over each individually below.

Implant-Supported Dental Crowns

When a person is missing just a single tooth, the ideal option to consider would be an implant-supported dental crown. In this situation, a single dental implant is placed in the tooth gap. A custom dental crown is fashioned in a lab to cap the implant. When in place, it will look like a person as a full set of teeth.

A great deal of time is taken to properly craft the dental crown. It is fabricated to fit properly, and will be color-matched to blend in with adjacent teeth.

Implant-Supported Dental Bridges

When a person is missing multiple teeth in a row, an implant-supported dental crown isn't really a good idea. In these cases, an implant-supported dental bridge would be best. This bridge will span the gap left behind by multiple teeth, with a custom created bridge that looks perfectly natural while in place.

One or more dental implants may be necessary to secure the bridge in place. This will depend on the number of missing teeth being replaced, the placement of the bridge along the dental arch, and the type of dental implants that is used.

Implant-Supported Dentures

For people missing most or all of their teeth, a partial or full denture supported by dental implants can be very helpful. These implant-supported dentures restore the ability to bite and chew while also addressing potential problems with facial aesthetics.

The number of dental implants required to support a set of dentures can vary. For full dentures, multiple dental implants may be required to ensure proper stability. That said, some systems allow full dentures to be anchored in place using just four strategically positioned dental implants. The ideal option can be discussed during your consultation.

Creating a Treatment Plan for Each Patient

As you can see, there are many options out there for restoring missing teeth with dental implants. We want to make sure that each patient undergoes the proper treatments for their needs. That's why an in-person consultation is a crucial part of the treatment process. We can assess your situation and help you make the right choice regarding tooth replacement procedures.

During this process, we will be sure to answer all of your questions and address your concerns in full detail. This includes matters regarding:

Learn More About Dental Implants

If you would like to learn more about dental implants and how they can help you experience a healthy, fully restored smile, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist today. The team at Malki Dental looks forward to your visit and discussing all of these treatments in greater detail.