Malki Dental

Periodontal Disease

Mar 4, 2014 @ 09:28 AM — by
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Periodontal disease or gum Disease is very common. Many patients suffer from gum disease and don’t even realize it. Their dentist may have never discussed it with them or they just have no pain or discomfort, so as a result, they don’t even realize there is a problem. It is a silent disease that can destroy your teeth and gums and can lead to many other health problems.  If left untreated, periodontal disease will lead to tooth decay, severe inflammation, bone loss and eventually tooth loss.

Periodontal Disease is actually an infection of the gums that surround the teeth. Bacteria accumulate around the teeth and under the gums and as a result start to cause inflammation of the gums, bleeding, sensitivity  and eventually bone loss which will at some point lead to tooth loss.

We see patients who have no cavities and perfectly good teeth who have gum disease. I tell these patients that even though your teeth are great, your gums need work. And even though your teeth don’t need dental work, you can still lose your teeth in the future from the advancement or worsening of the gum disease.

At my office in River Edge, NJ we have a strong focus of the treatment of gum disease. Our focus is primarily on stopping the advancement of the disease and maintaining the health of the gums.  We have a very conservative protocol in the office that has really made a difference for many people. And best of all, very few people need to have gum surgery to correct or control the disease.

In the past, when someone had periodontal disease, they were referred immediately to a gum specialist for gum surgery to correct their problem. That involved cutting the gums with a scalpel and stitching the gums back together. But today, with more understanding of what is occurring, patients have seen great improvements and maintenance of those improvements with our current treatments and maintenance visits. There are patients who still need to see a gum specialist if their problems are very advanced, but if we can catch things early enough we can avoid these unnecessary surgeries.

The best way to start is to visit your dentist for a cleaning, check-up and x-rays. At that visit, make sure the hygienist and dentist discuss with you the status of your periodontal health.

For more information regarding periodontal disease, please contact Malki Dental in River Edge New Jersey at 201-646-0800 today. Our staff will ensure that you have a great experience and at the same time begin the process of helping you keep your teeth healthy and strong for a lifetime